507 Ragged Top Rd

507 Ragged Top Rd


Property Types
  • Acreage


This off-the-grid property offers a unique opportunity for those seeking a recreational escape like no other. Situated far away from the hustle and bustle of city life, this secluded haven provides the perfect retreat for individuals, families, or groups yearning for tranquility and outdoor adventure. This 5.7-acre retreat is truly off-the-grid, with no connection to traditional utilities. It's an opportunity to live with a minimal carbon footprint and embrace a sustainable lifestyle. Whether you're interested in camping, hiking, or simply relishing in the peace and quiet, this property offers a chance to create your own self-sustaining oasis. There is a spring that you haul water from that is close by. The recreational possibilities are endless, as the property provides ample space for outdoor activities. Picture yourself, fihing setting up camp, or embarking on wildlife adventures. For those who enjoy stargazing, the clear, unpolluted skies make this property an excellent spot for observing the night sky. If you're an adventurer seeking to build your own rustic cabin or retreat, the expansive acreage allows for creative development, potentially incorporating solar power and rainwater collection systems. Imagine a space where you can disconnect from the world, yet have the freedom to craft your ideal escape.


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